"Eksponaat"/"An exhibit" (2022)
"Kevadnäitus"/"Spring exhibition
Young painter prize finaaltööde näitus VilniusesYoung painter prize finalwork exhibition in Vilnius
Õli ja sprey lõuendil, vineerist postament, modelleerimissavist skulptuurid/ oil and spray on canvas, plywood pedestal, sculptures from modeling clay.
"Eksponaat" on teos, mis valmis 2022 aasta alguses, kus tegelesin magistritööga "Loojang", mille käigus mõtisklesin keha lagunemise üle ning seeläbi tegelesin inimkonna ja looduse sugulusega. Uurisin laipade, leitud fossiilide ning inimeste kohta, kes elasid enne mind. Samaaegselt algas ka sõjaline tegevus Ukraina ja Venemaa vahel, mis mõjutas tugevalt teose emotsionaalset arengut. "Eksponaat" on teos, mis on tugevat mõjutatud kõigist nendest asjaoludest.
“An exhibit” is a painting that was made at the beginning of this year. While the
painting was being completed, I was working on my master's final work, in which I
delved into the decomposition of the human body and thus the kinship between
humans and nature. During that time, I did a lot of research about people that lived
before me, corpses and found fossils. Also, the war between Ukraine and Russia
started around this time, which strongly influenced the emotional development of this
work. “An exhibit” is the confluence of all these circumstances.
painting was being completed, I was working on my master's final work, in which I
delved into the decomposition of the human body and thus the kinship between
humans and nature. During that time, I did a lot of research about people that lived
before me, corpses and found fossils. Also, the war between Ukraine and Russia
started around this time, which strongly influenced the emotional development of this
work. “An exhibit” is the confluence of all these circumstances.